Apex Ag
Drainage Solutions

GPS Solutions
RTK- Want a GPS singal accuracy that you can relay on for precision farming and your drainage needs.

Outback Guidance A320/321 RTK/ GNSS systems has stood the test of time and has proven it self as one of the simplest to use: most rugged RTK systems on the market. With 900 and 400 Mhz radio options we can set up your RTK system to be broadcasted across your whole farm or moved feild to field. The systems can be used for everything from guidance to tiling. The A320 can also be used for surveying, but if you want a more convenient option we can pair it with a Hemespere S320 or S321 then your rover will not to have any wires tying you down.
Non RTK Solution- Atlas Link is a new product to the market place from Hemisphere GNSS. It is a subcription based service that has shown us sub inch vertcail accuracy in all of are testing. Can be used for auto steer, surface draiange and surveying applications